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Registration code has expired or is invalid.

Have you already registered to leaderboard through another Word Chain skill or using a different Alexa device?

If so, you can link to your previous registration. In order for us to verify that you are the same person, you will have to get a new registration code, but this time from the other Word Chain skill and/or other Alexa device that you used before. Provde the new code in the input field bellow. You can see the examples at the bottom.

Please excuse us for the inconvenience! We require this step only because we value your privacy and do not collect any personal information about you.


Another Word Chain skill. If you played Word Chain classic (countries, capitals, animals, fruits & vegetables) before and now you are playing Word Chain Movies and whant to participate in the Movies leaderboard as well, then invoke "Alexa, ask Word Chain to register for high scores" (to the classic skill), listen for the 6 letter code and enter it bellow.
Another Alexa device. If you played Word Chain on one device in your home and now want to play it on another device using the same nickname, then invoke "Alexa, ask Word Chain to register for high scores" on the other Alexa device that you used before, listen for the 6 letter code and enter it bellow.

If you experience any issues with the process or have any questions, please write us word-chain@alexavibe.com

If you don't want to go through this process, you can register again with a new nickname, just go back

Already registered? Click here

You are already registered. You can update your nickname or country.

This is needed only once. After you have registered your best scores will be automatically submitted to the global leaderboard where they will be shown among the scores of other players.

Update successful! Registration successful!

Congratulations! From now on every high score that you make while playing the game will be submitted and you can see it on this site.
Your current score {{registrationData.score}} in category {{registrationData.category}} was also submitted.
Before going to the leaderboard, can you tell us, do you like Word Chain?
That's great, thank you! Please consider rating it in the Alexa skill page.
Sorry to hear that! You can share your experience by writing us at word-chain@alexavibe.com and we will do our best to improve it. Thank you!

Word Chain Leaderboard

In category
Table of high scores of users that played Word Chain.
Rank Nickname Country Score
No highscores yet
{{ hqsError }}
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That's all


Word Chain is a game for Amazon Alexa for two or more players. You can enable it from the Alexa App: Word Chain (classic) and Word Chain Movies. Players take turns in saying words, where every next word should begin with the letter that the previous word ended.

An example word chain is: Dog ~ Giraffe ~ Elephant ~ Tiger, and so on.

You can play with Alexa and with other people around you as well.
In the classic skill there are four different categories from which to choose: countries, capitals, animals, fruits and vegetables.
In the movies skill you can choose from a variety of movie genres: Action, Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller.
The game can be played in cooperative and competitive mode. In cooperative mode our target is to build the largest possible word chain. you can skip turns, letting Alexa or other players guess a word. In competitive mode, if you cannot think of a word you are out of the game, your target is to be the last one in the game

How to participate

To participate in the leaderboard, you need to register. You can register by saying "Alexa, ask Word Chain to register for high scores" and listen for the registration code instructions.
This is done only once. After you have registered, your best scores will be automatically submitted and be available on this page.

The skill "Word Chain Movies" uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb.

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